We’re taking TransportationCamp online! Join us on Saturday, January 16th


With public transit and passenger rail in fiscal crisis, cities and towns redesigning their streets to accommodate social distancing, and a new president preparing to take office, we need TransportationCamp DC more than ever. Join this annual unconference online on Saturday, January 16th to discuss the fight for better transportation in our new pandemic world. 

TransportationCamp DC is an important tradition for the transportation community. Every January, advocates, practitioners, business leaders, professionals, students, and anyone else who might call themselves a “transportation nerd” gather for this in-person unconference—where attendees plan and lead the sessions themselves—to take stock of where we’re going and how we got here. (Transportation pun intended.) 

This January, COVID-19 will make gathering in-person for this important (and fun) unconference impossible. Yet we still need to gather to take a holistic view of everything happening in transportation—and how we can fight to make our transportation system safe, affordable, equitable and sustainable in this new world. 

So we’re taking TransportationCamp DC 2021 online! Register today to join us on Saturday, January 16th. 

Register for TransportationCamp DC

We’re striving to keep virtual TransportationCamp very similar to the in-person event, but we’re making a few changes to accommodate (and take advantage of) our online digs. Here are the changes. 

More time to submit sessions 

At in-person TransportationCamp, almost all session proposals are submitted to the event planners the morning of Camp. To make it easier for our tech-fried brains, we’re opening up session submissions three days in advance of Camp. 

Shorter day to avoid Zoom fatigue 

In-person TransportationCamp DC has five, one-hour sessions slots throughout the day. This year, we’re only holding four. Camp will kick off at 10:00am ET with a half hour morning welcome, and will end at 4:30 pm ET. 

Slack workspace to promote discussion

Since all of the  informal introductions in the lunch line and valuable new relationships can’t be so easily made this year, we’re inviting all attendees to join a TransportationCamp DC Slack workspace three days in advance of Camp. During Camp, the workspace will serve as a discussion forum and a place to meet new people. The Slack workspace will expire six months after Camp, so Campers will have a lot of time to mix and mingle and find ways to stay in touch with people that you meet.

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