MTA launches subway performance dashboard


The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (NY) launched an online dashboard providing performance metrics across the subway system as part of New York City Transit’s Subway Action Plan.

The metrics are intended to cover all aspects of the customer experience and include the following:

  • Major incidents — Number of incidents per month that delay 50 or more trains
  • Capacity provided — Percentage of trains that are able to provide service to the estimated peak number of customers during the morning and evening rush hours
  • Customer wait time– Actual waiting time compared to schedule-based waiting time
  • Train travel time — Average customer travel time compared to scheduled travel time
  • Subway car mechanical performance — Mean distance between failures
  • Station environment — Station conditions, including cleanliness, condition of fare vending machines and turnstiles, and elevator/escalator status
  • Legacy indicators — Traditional metrics, including wait assessment and on-time performance

“These new standards that we are reporting go above and beyond what other transit systems in the world tell their customers,” said MTA chairman Joseph Lhota in a statement. “Our new performance metrics show how serious we are about regaining our subway customers’ trust and how determined we are to make improvements that will stick around for years, not just for a month or two.”

The subway performance dashboard can be accessed here.

Photo credit: Susan Mara Bregman