Our Cities Need More People Near Frequent and Rapid Public Transport
Traditionally, the quality and reach of a city’s public transport system is measured in number of kilometers, number of stops, ridership, or speed. These...
What We Learned From India’s Cycles4Change and Streets4People Challenges
With ITDP India’s wrap-up of the India Cycles4Change and Streets4People Challenges earlier this year, the team took a look back at the origin. and impact of...
What We Learned From India’s Cycles4Change and Streets4People Challenges
With ITDP India’s wrap-up of the India Cycles4Change and Streets4People Challenges earlier this year, the team took a look back at the origin. and impact of...
We Need to Make Cycling Inclusive and Accessible to All
When cities plan access for people with different abilities, they function better for all people. As cities worldwide face challenges of congestion, pollution, safety...
How Does Cycling Infrastructure in These Global Cities Measure Up?
In 2021, ITDP launched the Cycling Cities campaign, building off of momentum around cycling that emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, many...
The Power of People Near Protected Bikelanes
In celebration of World Bicycle Day, ITDP is delving into what it means to measure People Near Protected Bikelanes and what this measurement means for...
Why Inclusive Transport Matters: In Conversation with TransPeshawar
Zu Peshawar has emerged as a successful model in terms of inclusion, diversity, and access because the system is tailored to address societal gaps....
How Indonesian Cities Are Prioritizing Inclusive Public Transport
The lack of holistic data on how marginalized and differently-abled groups move in major cities is often a barrier to developing more inclusive urban...
How Indonesian Cities Are Prioritizing Inclusive Public Transport
The lack of holistic data on how marginalized and differently-abled groups move in major cities is often a barrier to developing more inclusive urban...
How Indonesian Cities Are Prioritizing Inclusive Public Transport
The lack of holistic data on how marginalized and differently-abled groups move in major cities is often a barrier to developing more inclusive urban...