Bipartisan Congressional Caucus to Focus on Importance of Bus, Transit Systems


A bipartisan group of members of Congress with deep interests in public transportation, particularly improved bus systems and infrastructure, has come together to advocate for much-needed investments in public transit across the country.

The Bipartisan Congressional Bus Caucus is led by Congressman Rick Larsen (D-WA) and Congressman David Young (R-IA). Given that buses account for over half of all transit trips in the United States, the group hopes to highlight the dangers of aging bus fleets and the importance of modernizing transportation infrastructure.

Congressman Larsen, given his state’s overwhelming reliance on buses, is particularly invested in the mission of the caucus. Considering that over 85% of public transit trips in Washington are taken by bus, Larsen’s Washington colleagues may very well join the new group in support of improved transit.

The recently-formed caucus has come together at a critical time, as Congress is now debating sweeping tax reform proposals, with which many transit leaders take issue, and the need for investments in improved infrastructure and transportation technology grows daily.

“As someone who uses public transportation every day, I understand just how critical safe and reliable bys systems are for working Americans, said Larsen. “With more than 195 million passenger trips in Washington state annually, I am thrilled to co-chair the Congressional Bus Caucus—robust investment in buses and transportation will keep the economy thriving,” he said.