Thank Chairman DeFazio for his leadership on the INVEST Act


After a marathon session, the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee approved the INVEST in America Act on Thursday with bipartisan support. Help us send a message of thanks to Chairman Peter DeFazio for his work advancing this groundbreaking bill.

Credit: Rep. Peter DeFazio twitter account

The Chair of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Rep. Peter DeFazio, was instrumental in constructing the INVEST Act, which “lays the groundwork for finally updating our country’s 1950’s approach to transportation to meet 21st Century needs,” represents a long overdue “paradigm shift,” and is “the kind of fundamentally new approach we need” to transportation,” as we said in our statement.

The Chairman was even quoting Transportation for America reports (The Congestion Con) to beat reporters in the Capitol during the hearing:

Help say thanks!

There are two ways to say thank you: Let’s make sure he hears our gratitude for his hard work on producing this different kind of transportation bill. You can send him a tweet and/or sign a short letter we’re going to deliver to his office on Tuesday, June 15.

Send a tweet

“Big thanks to @RepPeterDeFazio for laying the groundwork with the INVEST Act to finally update our country’s 1950’s approach to transportation to meet 21st Century needs. I appreciate your leadership! @T4America”

Sign our letter of support

June 15, 2021

Dear Chairman DeFazio,

As supporters of Transportation for America, we want to thank you for your hard work on getting the INVEST Act through the committee and off to the floor for a vote.

We applaud your leadership on this bill, picking up where you and the committee left off last summer with last Congress’ INVEST Act. We are excited to finally see a transportation bill that takes climate, equity, safety, and repair seriously. We can’t afford to nibble around the edges of our country’s transportation policy anymore, and this bill reforms the core, fundamental programs to ensure that states prioritize repair, make safety a primary goal, and make access to jobs and opportunities a priority for the billions we invest each year.

The INVEST Act is a paradigm shift from the approach of the last 30 years of proposing small, exciting new programs to fix recognized problems while allowing the much larger core program to exacerbate and further those same problems.

We thank you for your hard work on this bill and we are ready to support (and improve it further!) on the House floor in the coming weeks.


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