Hybrid TransportationCamp DC, explained


TransportationCamp DC 2023 is quickly approaching, and we’re excited to see what you all have to bring to the table. TransportationCamp is an “unconference,” which means that you, the participants, will determine the agenda by proposing and leading sessions. This year, we’re doing things a little bit differently with a hybrid format using virtual and in-person sessions.

In-person sessions

The classic way to join TransportationCamp, in-person sessions are what most people think of when they think about Camp. These sessions are submitted the morning of the event, and the result is usually a mad scramble as hopeful session leaders brainstorm their ideas, find others looking to discuss the same topic, and come up with a plan. Then attendees get to vote on which sessions they want to see!

Do: Think about what you want to present, and be open to new, creative ideas from other attendees.

Don’t: Submit a session until the morning of TransportationCamp. That would just spoil the fun! 

These sessions will be in person at George Mason University’s Arlington campus. Register to participate here by clicking “Buy Tickets” and selecting “General Admission.”

Virtual sessions

Virtual admission is the other option for joining TransportationCamp. We hosted TransportationCamp completely virtually in 2021 and 2022 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and we know the flexibility was helpful for many of our attendees across the country and the globe.

Attendees still propose and lead sessions, but unlike in-person attendees, your sessions will be all virtual and you get to propose your sessions in advance. Submissions are open now until 12:00 p.m. ET on December 21, and the link to submit will show up in your confirmation email.

Do: Register now for virtual Camp, and keep an eye on your inbox for a confirmation email with session submission details.

Already registered? Check your inbox for an email from info@t4america.org with subject line “Submit your sessions for #TransportationCampDC.”

Don’t: Wait until January to propose a session. That’ll be too late!

What about hybrid sessions? Both in-person and virtual attendees will have access to the morning welcome, keynote address, and one hybrid session presented by INRIX.

What’s next?

Think it would be fun to lead a session, but not sure you have what it takes? Read this advice from past session leaders

TransportationCamp DC is just around the corner. We’re looking forward to a day packed with new ideas, creative thinking, and relationship building. Register today!

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