Advocating for Safer Routes to School for Children Across Mexico


A growing epidemic of traffic injuries is devastating the next generation of children around the globe. According to Safe Kids Worldwide, traffic collisions are the number one cause of death among children ages 5 to 19 worldwide. Walk and Roll to School Day is an annual event that encourages communities worldwide to choose walking and rolling (cycling) to school on the same day every year as part of a movement for year-round safe routes to school. Celebrated in over 40 countries over the past two decades, the day advocates for safer routes to and from school to promote sustainable, accessible, and inclusive mobility. On the 2023 Walk and Roll to School Day, ITDP Mexico and partners at the FIA Foundation released a Walk and Roll to School Guide for Mexican Cities that aims to encourage city governments and decision-makers to join the movement to ensure safer routes to school.

The post Advocating for Safer Routes to School for Children Across Mexico first appeared on Institute for Transportation and Development Policy.