In Rio de Janeiro, the New TransBrasil BRT Takes Shape


Avenida Brasil is one of the most important roads in Brazil and, at nearly 60 kilometers in length, serves as one of the primary thoroughfares connecting people, goods, and services in the Rio de Janeiro metropolitan area.  After ten years of development, February 2024 marked the debut of TransBrasil, a milestone for the city as it significantly expands the potential of medium and high capacity transport for Rio resident that rely on Avenida Brasil every day. Primarily, it serves the thousands of transit-dependent neighborhoods in the North and West Zones of the city comprised of diverse, mixed-income populations. While the debut of TransBrasil offers much promise for the future of BRT and public transport in Rio, it is also important to recognize the areas where the new system will need to focus in order to be a truly inclusive transport option for the whole region.

The post In Rio de Janeiro, the New TransBrasil BRT Takes Shape first appeared on Institute for Transportation and Development Policy.