Are We Falling Short On Our Global Road Safety Goals?


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), global road deaths average over 3,200 per day, with road traffic crashes remaining the leading killer of children and youth ages 5 to 29. Fifty-three percent of all road traffic fatalities involve the most vulnerable road users, including: pedestrians (23%); riders of powered two- and three-wheelers (21%);  and cyclists (6%). Road safety advocates around the world are striving to cut the number of deaths and injuries from road traffic crashes in half by 2030 as part of the UN and WHO’s Global Plan for Road Safety: Second Decade of Action 2021–2030. Some progress has been made in recent years, however, as a 2023 WHO report found that road traffic deaths have fallen by 5% since 2010. Nevertheless, that figure is clearly not enough. Policymakers and governments need a more concerted and collaborative effort to reach their road safety targets, particularly for the supporting the most vulnerable communities in our cities. 

The post Are We Falling Short On Our Global Road Safety Goals? first appeared on Institute for Transportation and Development Policy.