Deep-Dive into BRT on ITDP’s Learning Hub


ITDP is excited to share our Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Resource Hub. Following the success of ITDP’s previous courses focused cycling cities and babies, toddlers, and caregivers, this Hub is a curated collection of resources to help stakeholders learn to plan, operate, and advocate for better BRT systems. The resources in this public, self-guided content is organized into four modules that consist of core material recommended for all and complementary information for those interested in exploring further. Building on ITDP’s year of the bus and the release of the 2024 Edition of the BRT Standard, this Hub draws on ITDP’s decades of experience promoting, supporting, and implementing BRT worldwide. It aims to provide a roadmap for city officials, transport planners, urban planners, and civil society to help advance their BRT planning and development efforts as these systems continue their growth in many global cities.

The post Deep-Dive into BRT on ITDP’s Learning Hub first appeared on Institute for Transportation and Development Policy.