Let’s Come Together and Stay Safe


Lieutenant Jessica Horta-Perez
Austin Community College District Police


Capital Metro is a great option for college students to get to class and make their way around the city. Here are some safety tips to make sure we do it safely.

Sometimes it’s difficult to put our phones down but being aware of your surroundings needs to be a priority. Keep your head up and avoid using your phone while walking around town. If you are using earbuds make sure you are still able to hear those around you, especially when using crosswalks. For your own safety, avoid distractions when walking to the bus stop and train platform.

When going out at night wear bright clothing to make yourself visible to drivers. For everyone’s safety, never drive a vehicle, bike or scooter if you have been drinking. Remember that CapMetro is your safe ride home!

Let’s come together and follow these safety tips when making our way around Austin.