Voters Approve Swaths of Transit-Related Ballot Measures in Local, State Elections


On November 7, 2017, voters from across the county approved a wide range of transit-related ballot measures in local and state elections, a sign that the public supports significant investments in public transportation to improve our aging infrastructure. In fact, according to the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), nearly 90% of all transportation ballot initiatives passed in 2017.

Acting APTA President and CEO Richard White lauded the election results, noting that voters value investment in transit infrastructure and depend on reliable, efficient transportation solutions: “Voters clearly see the value as public transit connects customers to businesses, and employees to jobs. The voters have spoken loud and clear through the ballot box that funding public transit provides their community a great return on investment.”
The election results, particularly given doubts regarding the federal government’s commitment or ability to address transit and infrastructure needs, highlight the important role of local and state governments in advancing modern, efficient, reliable, and sustainable transportation solutions.
Here are some of the notable winning ballot initiatives from across the nation:

• In the only statewide transit-related ballot measure of the November 7, 2017, election, Maine voters approved a $105 million bond issuance to fund improvements to highways, bridges, ports, railroads, aviation, transit, and trails
• Voters in Denver, Colorado approved a total bond issuance of $937 million, which includes $100 million for transportation projects and infrastructure improvements
• In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, nearly 70% of voters approved a $172 million bond issuance, which includes nearly $4.8 million for public transit upgrades
• Nearly 74% of Athens-Clarke County, Georgia voters approved a 1% transportation tax to fund a total of 19 infrastructure projects
• Garnering approximately 70% support, a $218 million mobility bond, to be used to help fund a total of 63 projects, passed in Fort Bend County, Texas