Statement on the sudden passing of TTD president Larry Willis


The following is a statement from Transportation for America’s director Beth Osborne on the death of Larry Willis, president of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO.

“Labor and transportation advocates everywhere lost a powerful force for good yesterday. All of us at Transportation for America are shocked and deeply saddened at the sudden passing of TTD president Larry Willis, a leader in transportation and a fierce, passionate defender of workers everywhere. 

“For almost 20 years, Larry has been one of my go-to people for support and creative thinking in labor and transportation policy. His dedication to the TTD was what brought so much positive change to the sector and millions of Americans, from his fight for a robust stimulus package in 2009 and more recently, COVID-19 relief and protections for transit workers. Our thoughts are with his family and his colleagues at TTD in this difficult time.”

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