In These US Cities, Parking Reform Is Gaining Momentum


Parking reform, an often overlooked component of the  sustainable transport movement, has taken to the national spotlight in the US as it gains momentum in both policy and practice. Cities and states across the country are realizing that rethinking parking can be a lever to reach their transportation, housing, and sustainability goals. Major cities like Austin, Texas have recently garnered attention as the largest US city to do away with their parking requirements, while the entire state of California has eliminated parking minimums on developments within a half mile of major transit stops. In the country’s largest city, New York, proposals to remove off-street parking requirements citywide aim to combat rising construction and housing costs. While it may be a trending story stateside, such efforts to rethink parking and reclaim public space are certainly not new. Notably, London eliminated parking minimums in the early 2000s and Mexico City has been leading a similar charge, supported by ITDP, over the past decade.  

The post In These US Cities, Parking Reform Is Gaining Momentum first appeared on Institute for Transportation and Development Policy.