From Egypt to Mexico: Insights into BRT and Transport Planning


In January, ITDP teams from Africa and Mexico engaged in a study tour of the public transport system in Mexico City, Mexico in support of Cairo, Egypt’s own Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) planning. Greater Cairo in Egypt is a sprawling metropolis often known for challenges with congestion and traffic. A lack of sufficient rapid transit options and rapidly increasing ownership of private cars have led to mobility issues that come at financial, health, and safety costs to residents. Reducing the reliance on personal motor vehicles by enhancing public transport systems and non-motorized transport (NMT) is one important means for facilitating economic growth and enhancing quality of life for people in Cairo. As such, key institutions like the New Urban Communities Authority (NUCA) is planning a bus rapid transit (BRT) system focused on integrating transport access between 6th of October City and central Giza to serve the Greater Cairo population. Critical to the roll-out of this BRT in is an effective engagement process with existing public transport operators. Thus, ITDP Africa is working in collaboration with NUCA, 6th of October Authority, Swedfund, and UN-Habitat on an inclusive engagement plan with existing operators along the BRT corridor to ensure their buy-in and participation in future BRT services and operations. To inform the development of these plans, ITDP Africa and ITDP Mexico organized a bus industry transition study tour to Mexico City in early 2025 to allow government and transport officials from Cairo to learn first-hand about industry formalization and modernization from another major city’s public transport policies. 


The post From Egypt to Mexico: Insights into BRT and Transport Planning first appeared on Institute for Transportation and Development Policy.