It’s go time: Launching our Month of Action


With Congress writing long-term transportation policy this month, we need to make sure that this bill doesn’t continue the broken status quo. We need a bill that prioritizes maintenance, designs for safety over speed, and selects investments that improve people’s access to jobs and services—not increase vehicle speed. And we need your help. 

The Senate committees responsible for writing portions of the next long-term transportation law are hitting the drafting board now, with a bill expected later this month. We need to take action to influence this important legislation. 

T4America believes that our three principles for transportation policy—prioritize maintenance, design for safety over speed, and require that investments connect people to jobs and services—can remake America’s transportation program to better address the climate crisis, equity and quality of life in our communities. 

We’re launching a Month of Action to advocate for these three principles in the long-term transportation law. Sign up for our mailing list to receive one small action every week to help influence this important legislation. You’ll also receive our biweekly newsletter on federal policy and transportation news, the Round-up. 

This week’s action: Send this template letter to your Congressional delegation. 

If you want to do more to influence the transportation bill than the weekly actions (thank you!), we put together an advocacy toolkit for you, which contains: 

  • Talking points on the three principles
  • A template meeting request letter to your Congressional delegation 
  • Sample social media posts
  • Sample social media graphics

With pedestrian fatalities skyrocketing, millions of Americans stranded from jobs and opportunities, and the climate crisis quickly reaching the point of no return, we need to act: We can’t afford to waste another five years and billions of dollars on programs that just make our problems worse. And we will not fundamentally reform the federal transportation program without your help.

If you represent an organization or are an elected official, please sign our letter urging the Senate to pass a long-term law that orients the program transportation program around what counts: connecting everybody to jobs and services equitably, sustainably, affordably and conveniently.

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