What President Trump should tackle on transportation
If President Trump is interested in claiming the mantle of “infrastructure president,” here’s a list of specific actions the president can take to make...
New resource for state DOTs
The State Smart Transportation Initiative just released its new framework, Innovative DOT. This comprehensive framework offers 34 specific recommendations designed to support state transportation...
Time’s up! What wins has Biden notched and what has he left incomplete on...
In November 2020, we sent the incoming Biden administration a memo outlining immediate and longer-term actions we urged the new president to initiate. Four...
Comment on A blueprint for Amtrak success from T4A Chair John Robert Smith by...
So many comments by some who have no apparent expertise in the subject matter.
Comment on A blueprint for Amtrak success from T4A Chair John Robert Smith by...
Best to put Amtrak on an “Asset Lite” model.
Since employee hiring and retention will always be a problem going forward due to demographics...
Comment on A blueprint for Amtrak success from T4A Chair John Robert Smith by...
Mistakes by Amtrak management made prior to Covid disruptions certainly foreshadow current operating problems. However, they are hardly foreign to any US company. Why?...
Comment on A blueprint for Amtrak success from T4A Chair John Robert Smith by...
I’m sorry to report here my long-held conclusion that the LD trains no longer provide much, if anything, in the way of meaningful transportation...
Comment on A blueprint for Amtrak success from T4A Chair John Robert Smith by...
Message to Amtrak: If you want support from the hinterlands, you need to perform. Current long distance “service” is plagued by an equipment shortage...
Comment on A blueprint for Amtrak success from T4A Chair John Robert Smith by...
Amtrak leadership would beg to differ with the Honorable John Robert Smith’s characterization of long-distance sector. Amtrak’s own balance sheet reflects heavy losses...
Comment on A blueprint for Amtrak success from T4A Chair John Robert Smith by...
This story contains two serious errors, one of omission and one a material misstatement.
ALL the inter-regional routes have recovered fully from the epidemic, but...