Sunday, September 15, 2024

How will the infrastructure law improve active transportation and Complete Streets?

Screen grab from our recent video “Not just a way to get from A to B”, a look at Tucson, AZ’s attempts to expand...

What does the new infrastructure law mean for micromobility?

The expansion of grant and formula eligibility in the infrastructure law to include micromobility will give communities and states additional options for providing more...

Federal transportation funding opportunities 101

With the imminent passage of the transportation infrastructure bill that initially passed the US Senate in August, the discussion now pivots to implementation. Federal...

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Complete Streets make a difference

Though it’s an uphill battle, national efforts to prioritize safety over speed really can gain momentum and achieve results. The Complete Streets movement is...

A smaller footprint for freight vehicles

Freight plays a valuable role in keeping our communities and local economies thriving, but heavy freight vehicles pose unique challenges to community roads and...

This Indian City Proves Walkable Infrastructure Has Big Climate and Health Benefits

Between 2013 and 2019, the city of Chennai, India designed and built footpaths on more than 100 kilometers of streets. Using data collected in...

The Cities and BRT Systems Newly Scored with the 2024 BRT Standard

Five cities and their Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems across the United States and Mexico have received updated scores and designations in accordance with...