Friday, March 28, 2025

Exploring Climate Justice and Mobility in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

In Rio de Janeiro, days of heavy rain are now frequent, often leaving the streets flooded, halting public transit services, and preventing much of...

Get On The Bus and Support ITDP!

The devastating impacts of the climate crisis are now a reality for all of us. Without immediate action to significantly reduce carbon emissions, especially...

Better Urban Mobility Starts with Universal Accessibility

More than a billion people around the world have a disability, and more than half of them live in cities. That number is expected...

Africa’s Future Depends on Investments into Compact, Electric Cities

Africa’s urbanization is accelerating the demand for sustainable transport solutions. However, current investments are still heavily skewed towards private vehicle infrastructure, leading to traffic...

Mexico City’s Cablebús Shows Us the Potential of Urban Cable Cars

Urban cable cars can be a sustainable, reliable, and efficient transport solution, but their success depends on the ability of the system to meet...

How Sustainable Mobility Supports Tourism in This Indonesian City

How can more pedestrians, cyclists, and public transit-oriented development help support the growth of tourism areas in cities? Research has found that there is...

Better Together: Walkable Cities and Public Transport

Every year, World Pedestrian Day is recognized in August – not to celebrate the importance of walking – but to acknowledge the importance of...

Visualizing Urban Accessibility in Mexico and Beyond

As part of ITDP Mexico’s Ideamos program, which focused on implementing innovative mobility-related pilot projects, a data-driven visualizer tool was developed to highlight accessibility...

Our Cities Need More People Near Frequent and Rapid Public Transport

Traditionally, the quality and reach of a city’s public transport system is measured in number of kilometers, number of stops, ridership, or speed. These...

What We Learned From India’s Cycles4Change and Streets4People Challenges

With ITDP India’s wrap-up of the India Cycles4Change and Streets4People Challenges earlier this year, the team took a look back at the origin. and impact of...
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