Friday, October 18, 2024

Three things to know about FY2021 House transportation appropriations

Earlier this month, the House Appropriations Committee approved transportation funding levels for fiscal year 2021. Emergency funding for the primary transit construction program and...

Five things Congress can do to save transit

Public transportation is in crisis. Transit agencies are suffering tremendous losses in ridership and farebox revenue, as well as state and local revenues, with...

Transit projects slowly leaving the station

Route 603 runs between Ogden Union Station and Weber State University in Utah which will eventually be served by a BRT route funded in...

Nine other important things to know about the House’s transportation bill

Last week the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee released a multi-year transportation bill that starts to connect transportation spending to accomplishing measurable outcomes, including...

New and expanded transit projects may not get built

City and state budget deficits and a drastic decline in transit ridership have pushed transit agencies to the brink of collapse. Communities that were...

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Cycling Cities Start with Streets Designed for All Ages

The benefits of cycling over cars are evident: improved physical health, reduced transportation costs, and lower greenhouse gas emissions. However, despite these advantages, access...

We can’t afford to keep avoiding repair

When decision-makers fail to prioritize basic maintenance and repair, everyday Americans pay the price—in increased costs, increased time on the road, and suffering local...

It’s time to stop expanding and start maintaining

To reshape our transportation system and address staggering maintenance needs, we must prioritize repairing existing infrastructure before expanding our roadways any further. The 2021 Infrastructure...

Four ways our federal leaders can invest in the rest

While we might have the most extensive highway infrastructure in the world, the U.S. is delivering pitifully poor results compared to our peers when...