Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Challenges and Opportunities for Gender-Equitable Transport in Cairo, Egypt

ITDP Africa, in partnership with the New Urban Communities Authority (NUCA), UN Women, and UN-Habitat, recently undertook a comprehensive study to understand the...

A New Approach to Modeling Commutes and Access in Our Cities

In All Possible Commutes: How Micromobility and Realistic Car Travel Times Impact Accessibility Analysis, a new paper from the New Urban Mobility Alliance (NUMO)...

With the Launch of Cairo’s Bikeshare, Cycling Gains Momentum In Africa

For both urban residents and tourists alike, bikeshare programs are being seen as an environmentally friendly and cost-effective transport option, particularly as rising fuel...

Insights from Cairo: Improving Mobility Through Bikeshare

Amid the global bikeshare boom, the call for bikeshare systems in African cities is gaining momentum. The unprecedented rate of urbanization and increased vehicle...

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Three takeaways from T4A’s webinar on Trump’s executive orders

Yesterday, our Director Beth Osborne led a webinar that provided a high-level overview of our Reauthorization 101 resource and analysis of Trump’s recent executive...

Long Distance Rail Study fails to address the needs of passengers

The Long Distance Rail Study, released by the Federal Railroad Administration in the twilight hours of the Biden Administration on January 20, 2025, prioritizes...

After spending over $1 trillion, the roads are still crumbling, unsafe, and congested. Does...

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) expires in September 2026. As Congress starts to consider what comes next, they should consider this: Including...

Exploring Climate Justice and Mobility in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

In Rio de Janeiro, days of heavy rain are now frequent, often leaving the streets flooded, halting public transit services, and preventing much of...