Sunday, March 30, 2025

From Egypt to Mexico: Insights into BRT and Transport Planning

In January, ITDP teams from Africa and Mexico engaged in a study tour of the public transport system in Mexico City, Mexico in support...

From Egypt to Mexico, ITDP Shares Insights into Public Transport Planning

In January, ITDP teams from Africa and Mexico engaged in a study tour of the public transport system in Mexico City, Mexico in support...

Dakar, Senegal Receives the 2025 Sustainable Transport Award as the STA Program Celebrates 20...

Dakar, Senegal is the recipient of the 2025 Sustainable Transport Award (STA) in recognition of its efforts to promote sustainable and inclusive mobility centered...

Spotlighting the 2025 Sustainable Transport Award Finalist Cities

Every year, the Sustainable Transport Award (STA) Finalist Cities are recognized for policies and interventions that promote public transport, walking, cycling, and transit-oriented development...

Mexico City’s Cablebús Shows Us the Potential of Urban Cable Cars

Urban cable cars can be a sustainable, reliable, and efficient transport solution, but their success depends on the ability of the system to meet...

The Cities and BRT Systems Newly Scored with the 2024 BRT Standard

Five cities and their Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems across the United States and Mexico have received updated scores and designations in accordance with...

Visualizing Urban Accessibility in Mexico and Beyond

As part of ITDP Mexico’s Ideamos program, which focused on implementing innovative mobility-related pilot projects, a data-driven visualizer tool was developed to highlight accessibility...

A Manual for Addressing Road Safety in Latin American Cities

The WHO estimates that every 24 seconds someone is killed on a road worldwide. A significant number of victims of vehicle and road accidents...

A Manual for Addressing Road Safety in Latin American Cities

The WHO estimates that every 24 seconds someone is killed on a road worldwide. A significant number of victims of vehicle and road accidents...

2024 is a Historic Election Year and the Climate Crisis is on Everyone’s Ballot

This is poised to be a world-changing year. For countries across the globe, 2024 will be a turning point in terms of politics, with...

Latest articles

Revitalizing Mexico City’s Historic Buenavista Central Station

The current iteration of Buenavista Station debuted in the 1960s and continues to serve as a vital lifeline for thousands of commuters every day....

Shifting gears: Gender equity in transit

Gender inequities in transportation systems have often overlooked women’s travel and safety needs. From biased crash testing to undervalued non-work trips, this Women’s History...

The country’s civil engineers agree: $1.5 trillion didn’t produce good infrastructure

Despite historic levels of investment in infrastructure over the last twenty years, America’s 2025 infrastructure grades for roads, bridges, safety, and transit look mostly...

Nominate Now for the 2026 Sustainable Transport Award

Does your city or region deserve more recognition for new transport, street design, or policy improvements that increase mobility and improve quality of life...