Saturday, September 7, 2024

Closed Streets, Pumping Air, and More Car News This Week

This week, we found ourselves fascinated by some of the more hidden effects wrought by the Covid-19 pandemic. By the complicated journey, for example,...

A Hospital Train, DIY Face Shields, and More Car News This Week

Enough with the despair. Even as grim news of the coronavirus dominated the airwaves, this week in transportation-land was all about solving problems. A...

A Travel Ban, Gig Economy Risks, and More Car News This Week

Well, that was fast. For plenty of Americans, last week began with the regular old commute to school or work and ended with canceled...

Augmented Reality From the Driver’s Seat, and More Car News This Week

If you’re reading this, chances are you feel like you need more information. Welcome to the club. This week we followed a bunch of...

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The Cities and BRT Systems Newly Scored with the 2024 BRT Standard

Five cities and their Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems across the United States and Mexico have received updated scores and designations in accordance with...

In China, Public Transport Can Be at the Forefront of Energy Innovation

To reduce emissions from China’s transport sector, one of the world’s largest emitters and economies, sustained innovation and transformation is needed in the way...

Even in California, infrastructure spending is a climate time bomb. Here’s how to fix...

Without full transparency on California’s transportation spending, the state’s transportation investments will never align with our climate goals. This post by Transform Policy Director...

Building a charging network that works

It’s nearly impossible to move forward with a transition to electric vehicles without a network of chargers in place. However, though some federal funds...