Saturday, January 11, 2025

Transportation for America applauds new emissions rule, “a vital first step”

In response to the USDOT’s newly proposed rule for states and municipalities to track and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, Transportation for America Director...

After your next trip, bring back a fresh perspective on transportation

Visiting communities other than our own can remind us to envision more for transportation in our own communities. This is especially important now, with...

Vision Zero won’t happen without Safe Streets for All

Signs like this one, while welcome, aren’t enough to lower the ever-climbing rate of pedestrian fatalities. Fortunately, localities have other resources to make on-the-ground...

When gas prices rise, choice matters

High gas prices put pressure on many Americans’ finances. Unfortunately, the cost of gas depends on a variety of factors, and there’s no silver...

The infrastructure law wasn’t perfect, but now it’s reality

Flickr photo by Oregon Department of TransportationFocusing on whether the infrastructure law was “good” or “bad” will fail to shape how its  historic cash...

To deliver on Equity Action Plan, USDOT, states, and local decision makers must take...

Submitted photo by Frank Warnock of Bike Delaware.Though the USDOT’s Equity Action Plan (EAP) describes the new infrastructure law as “a historic investment in...

We need a new approach to transportation: T4A’s efforts to get there

Flickr photo by Daniel R. BlumeSix months into 2022, a lot’s been accomplished to steer the infrastructure law to better outcomes, but there’s still...

Now Hiring: Policy & Outreach Associate (T4America)

Smart Growth America is seeking a skilled and motivated individual with knowledge, experience and interest in outreach and organizing around transportation policy and implementation...

Now hiring: Policy Associate

Transportation for America—a program of Smart Growth America—is seeking a skilled and motivated individual with knowledge, experience and interest in transportation policy development, implementation,...

Become part of the movement with T4America membership

All types of local public agencies and organizations join T4America’s membership program to gain access to information and expertise, but because the benefits are...

Latest articles

Another milestone: Major funding announced for Gulf Coast passenger rail

Earlier this week, the Federal Railroad Administration announced a significant investment of $21,117,115 in Restoration and Enhancement (R&E) grant funding to Amtrak. This funding...

Dakar, Senegal Receives the 2025 Sustainable Transport Award as the STA Program Celebrates 20...

Dakar, Senegal is the recipient of the 2025 Sustainable Transport Award (STA) in recognition of its efforts to promote sustainable and inclusive mobility centered...

ITDP Brazil Celebrates 15 Years of Progress on Regional Mobility

ITDP Brazil has played a key role in the development, implementation, and creation of policies that prioritize public transport, active mobility, and social inclusion...

Helping communities at every stage

Transportation for America and Smart Growth America’s technical assistance services help communities at all different stages of their efforts to improve transportation in their...