Saturday, July 27, 2024

Transit’s physical cliff: Climate change

California and New York State Legislatures voted to save transit from the fiscal cliff in 2023. While a win for transit can be a...

Inverting the IIJA’s double standard

The IIJA and IRA are hailed as landmark pieces of climate legislation. Unfortunately, by prioritizing the status quo of flexibility and formula status for...

No time to lose: Federal rule ready to boost awareness of transportation emissions

Comments close tomorrow 10/13 on a greenhouse gas emissions rule that could reestablish sunlight and accountability for transportation’s impact on climate change. Here’s what’s...

Compact & Electrified Cities Have the Potential to Massively Reduce Emissions

The post Compact & Electrified Cities Have the Potential to Massively Reduce Emissions appeared first on Institute for Transportation and Development Policy.

Riding Into A New Urban Agenda

The post Riding Into A New Urban Agenda appeared first on Institute for Transportation and Development Policy.

From the Golden Coast to the Bay State: U.S. Cities on the Move

The post From the Golden Coast to the Bay State: U.S. Cities on the Move appeared first on Institute for Transportation and Development Policy.

Electric vehicles aren’t good for equity, but we should try

Electric vehicles, while vital for reducing emissions and meeting our long-term emissions reduction goals, are not a good strategy for improving existing inequities in...

Electric vehicles are good for emissions, bad for advancing equity

Climate funders, electric vehicle industry groups, and environmentalists are rightly confronting the question of how to address equity in the electric vehicle space. They...

Want to save the climate? Start by funding transit operations

The current trend of more driving will make it harder for us to reach our emissions goals. Making public transit a more convenient and...

More highways, more driving, more emissions: Explaining “induced demand”

Even if we hit the most ambitious targets for changing our cars and trucks over to electric vehicles, we will fail to meaningfully reduce...

Latest articles

Now Hiring: Policy Intern

Transportation for America (T4A) and its parent organization (SGA) are looking to recruit an intern to support its technical assistance, research, and advocacy work. Organizational...

Our Cities Need More People Near Frequent and Rapid Public Transport

Traditionally, the quality and reach of a city’s public transport system is measured in number of kilometers, number of stops, ridership, or speed. These...

Full speed ahead: How federal leaders can keep building on passenger rail progress

Passenger rail efforts in the Gulf Coast demonstrated tireless commitment to federal advocacy, funding development, and ultimately service implementation. But if our nation’s leaders...

T4A Director Beth Osborne sets the record straight on federal regulation & oversight

In testimony to the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee, Beth Osborne explained how our current approach to transportation is failing average Americans and what...