Sunday, September 8, 2024

Bicycles: The Future Mode for Traffic Choked Jakarta

No single event in modern times has had a larger global impact than the COVID-19 pandemic. It has disrupted our lives, exposed our inequalities,...

Cycling Is Booming and Not Just Where You Think

For many years, cycling has been overlooked as a viable transportation option outside of a few European cities. However, this perspective is finally starting...

How Cycling Powers People and Economies

The post How Cycling Powers People and Economies appeared first on Institute for Transportation and Development Policy.

Mexico’s Ideamos Program Shows Bicycles Are Moving More than People

For decades people in cities around the world have been using bicycles for so much more than passenger travel. Since the start of the...

Riding Into A New Urban Agenda

The post Riding Into A New Urban Agenda appeared first on Institute for Transportation and Development Policy.

Cycling’s Gender Gap: Breaking The Cycle of Inequality

The post Cycling’s Gender Gap: Breaking The Cycle of Inequality appeared first on Institute for Transportation and Development Policy.

Building Cycling Cities in Rio de Janeiro and Recife, Brazil

Brazil’s cities, like Rio de Janeiro and Recife, have long been faced with unequal patterns of urban development and sprawl that have made mobility...

Mexico’s Ideamos Program Shows Bicycles Are Moving More than People

For decades people in cities around the world have been using bicycles for so much more than passenger travel. Since the start of the...

ITDP Launches Cycling Cities Campaign at COP26

The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) officially launches its global Cycling Cities Campaign while at the UNFCCC COP26 in Glasgow Glasgow, United Kingdom...

Protected Cycle Lane Networks Can Make a Big Impact on Climate Change

Amongst cities in middle-income countries, Bogotá, Colombia and Guangzhou, China are two that may seem to be vastly different. Nevertheless, both cities are united...

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The Cities and BRT Systems Newly Scored with the 2024 BRT Standard

Five cities and their Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems across the United States and Mexico have received updated scores and designations in accordance with...

In China, Public Transport Can Be at the Forefront of Energy Innovation

To reduce emissions from China’s transport sector, one of the world’s largest emitters and economies, sustained innovation and transformation is needed in the way...

Even in California, infrastructure spending is a climate time bomb. Here’s how to fix...

Without full transparency on California’s transportation spending, the state’s transportation investments will never align with our climate goals. This post by Transform Policy Director...

Building a charging network that works

It’s nearly impossible to move forward with a transition to electric vehicles without a network of chargers in place. However, though some federal funds...