Friday, October 18, 2024

The City As A Learning Lab: Experiences and Inspiration from Bogotá

For the first time since the pandemic, ITDP and MOBILIZE Program partners convened in-person in Bogotá, Colombia for multiple days of knowledge sharing, hands-on...

How This Historic City Is Transforming Its Motorists Into Cyclists #WorldBicycleDay

This World Bicycle Day, it is important to share and explore lessons from a city that is making tangible efforts to make cycling safe,...

Creating A ‘Kingdom for Bicycles’ in Yichang, China

 Over the past two decades, ITDP China has been working closely with major cities to advance a vision for urban cycling, and implement bicycle...

Bogotá, Colombia’s Approach to Safe, Sustainable, and Accessible Transport

As with many global cities, the disruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic has led Bogotá to rethink its approach to sustainable mobility, improve access and...

Exploring the Cycling Gender Gap in China’s Cities

We know that there persists a gender gap in cycling that prevents women and girls from choosing cycling as a primary transport mode in...

The Eight Elements of a Cycling City

The COVID-19 pandemic underscored long-standing inequity and unsustainability in how we move around our cities. As more and more urban dwellers chose cycling as...

Building Cycling Cities in Rio de Janeiro and Recife, Brazil

Brazil’s cities, like Rio de Janeiro and Recife, have long been faced with unequal patterns of urban development and sprawl that have made mobility...

The Dawn of India’s Walking and Cycling Revolution

The global pandemic redefined our relationship with our city streets and urban mobility. As COVID-19 brought many cities to a halt, people all over...

Protected Cycle Lane Networks Can Make a Big Impact on Climate Change

Amongst cities in middle-income countries, Bogotá, Colombia and Guangzhou, China are two that may seem to be vastly different. Nevertheless, both cities are united...

With the Launch of Cairo’s Bikeshare, Cycling Gains Momentum In Africa

For both urban residents and tourists alike, bikeshare programs are being seen as an environmentally friendly and cost-effective transport option, particularly as rising fuel...

Latest articles

Cycling Cities Start with Streets Designed for All Ages

The benefits of cycling over cars are evident: improved physical health, reduced transportation costs, and lower greenhouse gas emissions. However, despite these advantages, access...

We can’t afford to keep avoiding repair

When decision-makers fail to prioritize basic maintenance and repair, everyday Americans pay the price—in increased costs, increased time on the road, and suffering local...

It’s time to stop expanding and start maintaining

To reshape our transportation system and address staggering maintenance needs, we must prioritize repairing existing infrastructure before expanding our roadways any further. The 2021 Infrastructure...

Four ways our federal leaders can invest in the rest

While we might have the most extensive highway infrastructure in the world, the U.S. is delivering pitifully poor results compared to our peers when...