Tuesday, October 22, 2024

House builds on the FAST Act’s change to provide better and more balanced passenger...

Expanding and improving our nation’s passenger rail network to bring better, more reliable passenger rail service to more people is one of the best...

House transportation bill goes big on climate

House transportation leaders introduced legislation to update our national transportation program to address climate, equity, safety and public health. Climate advocates and climate leaders on...

Amendment to the House’s INVEST Act would help to close the repair loopholes

UPDATE: The House’s transportation bill is being debated and voted on starting tomorrow (Wednesday, June 17th), and a vital new amendment would strengthen the...

An amendment to the House transportation bill highlights the failures of “level of service”

Most transportation funding serves one goal: make vehicle traffic as free-flowing as possible. Yet this has created a transportation system where the only way...

Here’s how the new House bill prioritizes getting people where they need to go

It’s surprising, but the current federal transportation program doesn’t actually require that states spend federal funds to improve people’s access to jobs and services....

Improving safety by making it a priority throughout the INVEST Act

As noted in our scorecard, the House’s INVEST Act transportation bill takes important strides to make safety a priority, from the inclusion of new...

House committee passes a new kind of transportation bill: the INVEST Act

After two days of debate, the House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure passed its proposal for long-term surface transportation policy last week. The INVEST...

Five things to know about the INVEST Act, and how it compares to Senate...

With the INVEST Act clearing a crucial vote in committee last week, it moves to the full House for a final vote. We’ve covered...

What’s next for the INVEST Act?

Last week, the House passed a long-term transportation authorization—the INVEST Act— as part of the Moving Forward Act, House Democrats’ large infrastructure package. But...

Five things Congress can do to save transit

Public transportation is in crisis. Transit agencies are suffering tremendous losses in ridership and farebox revenue, as well as state and local revenues, with...

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Fix it first in practice

One of our recently launched principles, fix it first, targets maintenance over expansion, advocating for federal highway dollars to be spent repairing old roads...

Cycling Cities Start with Streets Designed for All Ages

The benefits of cycling over cars are evident: improved physical health, reduced transportation costs, and lower greenhouse gas emissions. However, despite these advantages, access...

We can’t afford to keep avoiding repair

When decision-makers fail to prioritize basic maintenance and repair, everyday Americans pay the price—in increased costs, increased time on the road, and suffering local...

It’s time to stop expanding and start maintaining

To reshape our transportation system and address staggering maintenance needs, we must prioritize repairing existing infrastructure before expanding our roadways any further. The 2021 Infrastructure...