Sunday, September 15, 2024

Why We Need E-Bikes As A Climate and Mobility Solution

People in cities all around the world have been seeing a new phenomenon on their streets: electric bicycles, or e-bikes. Whether branded as part...

Why We Need E-Bikes As A Climate and Mobility Solution

People in cities all around the world have been seeing a new phenomenon on their streets: electric bicycles, or e-bikes. Whether branded as part...

Fostering Sustainable, Accessible African Cities Through TOD

Rapid urbanization is creating complex, multifaceted challenges and opportunities around the world. African cities are undeniably at the forefront of this phenomenon. As Africa’s...

The Path Ahead for Bikesharing

Bikeshare started appearing around 2005, as city governments contracted bikeshare equipment and operations with public funds (or advertising assets), making docked bikeshare a visible...

Catching the e-bike wave

Electric bikes have enormous potential to deliver affordable, clean, healthy and space-efficient transportation to the masses, but the feds and too many other leaders...

A New Approach to Modeling Commutes and Access in Our Cities

In All Possible Commutes: How Micromobility and Realistic Car Travel Times Impact Accessibility Analysis, a new paper from the New Urban Mobility Alliance (NUMO)...

How the Historic City of Cuenca, Ecuador is Modernizing Its Transport Systems

Situated at the intersection of four rivers, the city of Cuenca — the third largest in Ecuador — is an internationally recognized UNESCO World...

The Current Fuel Crisis Is An Opportunity to Reshape US Cities

The post The Current Fuel Crisis Is An Opportunity to Reshape US Cities appeared first on Institute for Transportation and Development Policy.

What does the new infrastructure law mean for micromobility?

The expansion of grant and formula eligibility in the infrastructure law to include micromobility will give communities and states additional options for providing more...

Maximizing Potential by Connecting Micromobility and Transit

The COVID-19 pandemic uncovered many societal cracks – from healthcare, to affordable housing, to accessing essential needs like groceries. During this crisis, we saw...

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Complete Streets make a difference

Though it’s an uphill battle, national efforts to prioritize safety over speed really can gain momentum and achieve results. The Complete Streets movement is...

A smaller footprint for freight vehicles

Freight plays a valuable role in keeping our communities and local economies thriving, but heavy freight vehicles pose unique challenges to community roads and...

This Indian City Proves Walkable Infrastructure Has Big Climate and Health Benefits

Between 2013 and 2019, the city of Chennai, India designed and built footpaths on more than 100 kilometers of streets. Using data collected in...

The Cities and BRT Systems Newly Scored with the 2024 BRT Standard

Five cities and their Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems across the United States and Mexico have received updated scores and designations in accordance with...