Weekend round-up
Some stories you may have missed: Elon Musk keeps digging under LA, NJ TRANSIT adds surveillance cameras to rail, and RIPTA gets funds for...
DART rolls out electric buses for downtown route
On July 2, Dallas Area Rapid Transit (TX) rolled out seven all-electric buses for its downtown D-Link route.
The post DART rolls out electric buses...
Electric double-decker buses coming to SoCal
Foothill Transit (CA) will bring two electric double-decker buses to the San Gabriel Valley in 2019.
The post Electric double-decker buses coming to SoCal appeared...
More highways, more driving, more emissions: Explaining “induced demand”
Even if we hit the most ambitious targets for changing our cars and trucks over to electric vehicles, we will fail to meaningfully reduce...
Electric carshare program kills many birds with one stone
As the Biden administration invests in transportation electrification, the Twin Cities’ electric carshare program serves as a model for supporting the electric vehicle transition...
Transit adaptability during the COVID-19 pandemic
Transit agencies across the United States have struggled with decreased ridership, safety hazards, and low morale as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet...
Reducing emissions with better transit, part three: Examples from leading cities
Greater transit use is key for lowering emissions, and cities across America are reconsidering how they serve their residents with public transit—and the land...
Electric vehicles are good for emissions, bad for advancing equity
Climate funders, electric vehicle industry groups, and environmentalists are rightly confronting the question of how to address equity in the electric vehicle space. They...
Four ways states and the Biden administration can curb transportation pollution
Last month, the US Department of Transportation (USDOT) proposed a new rule that will require states to measure and set goals for reducing greenhouse gas...
When gas prices rise, choice matters
High gas prices put pressure on many Americans’ finances. Unfortunately, the cost of gas depends on a variety of factors, and there’s no silver...