Everyone agrees that repair is important. No one is willing to require it
Despite a fundamental lack of understanding by some members of Congress about the program they’re responsible for overseeing, the law sets states free to...
How will the infrastructure law improve active transportation and Complete Streets?
Screen grab from our recent video “Not just a way to get from A to B”, a look at Tucson, AZ’s attempts to expand...
Our advice to USDOT and Congress: Make no little plans
Senator Capito uses visual aids to criticize the FHWA memo. Still from the hearing.A Senate committee called Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg to testify about...
One year in, how is the Biden team really doing on transportation?
Official White House Photo by Adam SchultzA year in, the Biden administration helped pass historic investments in infrastructure and spoke out about safety, repair,...
What does the new infrastructure law mean for micromobility?
The expansion of grant and formula eligibility in the infrastructure law to include micromobility will give communities and states additional options for providing more...
Positioning for competitive grant application success
With scores of competitive, surface transportation grant programs to administer, USDOT faces a heavy lift to get these programs off the ground, on top...
Passenger rail funding in the infrastructure bill: Building a national network
Passenger rail was one of the brightest spots in the new infrastructure bill, with $102 billion for passenger and freight rail projects through direct...
The infrastructure bill’s limited state of repair funding and policies
Flickr photo of bridge resurfacing by WSDOT. https://www.flickr.com/photos/wsdot/49921039787There is very little new funding in the infrastructure bill specifically dedicated to repair and no new...
Transit funding in the infrastructure bill: what can it do for me?
The new infrastructure bill authorizes $109 billion to fund public transit projects through formula and competitive grant programs. Here’s what you need to know...
USDOT controls $200+ billion in competitive grants for states and metros
While the bulk of the $643 billion for surface transportation in the infrastructure bill goes out to state DOTs, more than $200 billion stays...