Friday, May 3, 2024

Longer trips, faster speeds, fewer options: What’s really valued in the “value of time”?

Whose time are we saving? T4America photo by Steve Davis.Despite its name, the federal “value of time” guidance doesn’t actually value travelers’ time at...

USDOT road safety strategy finally acknowledges the importance of design on speeds and roadway...

On the release of the new Roadway Safety Strategy by the U.S. Department of Transportation, T4America director Beth Osborne issued this statement: “We’re very happy...

Lemonade from lemons: Improvements worth celebrating within flawed infrastructure bill

Money from the finalized $1.2 trillion infrastructure deal is already flowing out to states and metro areas who are plugging it right into projects...

Behind the scenes on the rise in pedestrian and cyclist fatalities and injuries

Driver expectations, higher speeds resulting from less congestion, major gaps in infrastructure, and a systemic criminalization of pedestrian and cyclist traffic on the road...

Month of Action Week 2: Tackling our deadly streets

With Congress writing long-term transportation policy this month, we need to make sure that this bill doesn’t continue the broken status quo. This week,...

Unsafe streets in marginalized communities leads to inequitable traffic enforcement

Equitable enforcement of traffic rules is a major national discussion. But under-discussed is the role dangerously-designed streets play in putting Black and brown people...

State safety targets show need for Congress to further prioritize safety

The following blog post is co-authored and published in partnership with the League of American Bicyclists, a national non-profit advocating to make cycling accessible...

Latest articles

Congressional briefing emphasizes electrification and public transit to meet climate goals

54 years since the first Earth Day, the US is still focusing on highway expansion. In light of increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, due...

There’s a climate cost to America’s freeways, and it’s not paid equally.

The environmental impacts of the Interstate Highway System continue to harm communities of color through health hazards, pollution, and displacement. Flickr photo The sprawling roadway network...

How Indonesian Cities Are Prioritizing Inclusive Public Transport

The lack of holistic data on how marginalized and differently-abled groups move in major cities is often a barrier to developing more inclusive urban...

How Indonesian Cities Are Prioritizing Inclusive Public Transport

The lack of holistic data on how marginalized and differently-abled groups move in major cities is often a barrier to developing more inclusive urban...