Friday, July 26, 2024

If we want equitable smart cities, we need support from philanthropy

Everyone agrees that smart cities—places that deploy technology to deliver government services and improve quality of life—are the future. City leaders and staff are...

Curbside management in a recurring emergency scenario: A municipal perspective

A service lane in the Cleveland Park neighborhood in Washington, DC. This post is part of a special series on curb management and COVID-19. A...

The parking and mobility industry comes together in a time of need. Here’s how.

This blog is part of a special series on curb management and COVID-19. A joint effort of Institute for Parking and Mobility, Transportation for...

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Now Hiring: Policy Intern

Transportation for America (T4A) and its parent organization (SGA) are looking to recruit an intern to support its technical assistance, research, and advocacy work. Organizational...

Our Cities Need More People Near Frequent and Rapid Public Transport

Traditionally, the quality and reach of a city’s public transport system is measured in number of kilometers, number of stops, ridership, or speed. These...

Full speed ahead: How federal leaders can keep building on passenger rail progress

Passenger rail efforts in the Gulf Coast demonstrated tireless commitment to federal advocacy, funding development, and ultimately service implementation. But if our nation’s leaders...

T4A Director Beth Osborne sets the record straight on federal regulation & oversight

In testimony to the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee, Beth Osborne explained how our current approach to transportation is failing average Americans and what...