Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Complete Streets make a difference

Though it’s an uphill battle, national efforts to prioritize safety over speed really can gain momentum and achieve results. The Complete Streets movement is...

The loss of transportation choices in the U.S.

Investments and policies that support car travel at the expense of all other transportation options have helped create a culture of driving in the...

The loss of transportation choices in the U.S.

Investments and policies that support car travel at the expense of all other transportation options have helped create a culture of driving in the...

“Short-term action, long-term change”: How quick builds are bringing innovation to safe streets implementation

Quick-build projects prioritize affordable, rapid, and temporary solutions to inaccessible and unsafe streetscape conditions. Through this approach to project implementation, communities are able to...

Rethinking the intersection to prioritize safety over speed

The rising rate of pedestrian fatalities is a consequence of deadly design decisions that prioritize driver speed and convenience over the safety of all...

Celebrating 20 years of Complete Streets

The term “Complete Streets” was coined two decades ago, and while a lot of progress has been made, the fight for safe streets is...

Tell your senator, now is the time for Complete Streets!

Two new bills introduced to Congress by Senators Ed Markey and John Fetterman make Complete Streets a minimum design mandate, redefining our road design...

Supercharge your community’s quick-build safety demonstration projects with Safe Streets for All

Because of a mistake by Congress in the 2021 infrastructure law, 40 percent of the new $1 billion-per-year Safe Streets for All program must...

Press statement: Newly updated MUTCD doesn’t go far enough to protect pedestrians

Washington, D.C. (Dec. 20) — Yesterday, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) released the 11th Edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD),...

Eliminating driver error doesn’t work. What does? Part II

In part I of this blog series, we reviewed the evidence on three roadway safety strategies that rely on changing driver behavior—education, enforcement, and...

Latest articles

Three takeaways from T4A’s webinar on Trump’s executive orders

Yesterday, our Director Beth Osborne led a webinar that provided a high-level overview of our Reauthorization 101 resource and analysis of Trump’s recent executive...

Long Distance Rail Study fails to address the needs of passengers

The Long Distance Rail Study, released by the Federal Railroad Administration in the twilight hours of the Biden Administration on January 20, 2025, prioritizes...

After spending over $1 trillion, the roads are still crumbling, unsafe, and congested. Does...

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) expires in September 2026. As Congress starts to consider what comes next, they should consider this: Including...

Exploring Climate Justice and Mobility in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

In Rio de Janeiro, days of heavy rain are now frequent, often leaving the streets flooded, halting public transit services, and preventing much of...